Tuesday 18 December 2012

The Promised Land.

Matt Damon has a new film out and rather that being a genius/bent cop/CIA trained killer his latest roll sees him caught up in something far more exciting...fracking!

Damon plays a salesman for a natural gas company traveling across the agricultural heartland of the USA tasked with persuading people to sign over their land so his company can get at the gas locked away beneath it. It won;t give anything away but watch the trailer below and you'll see that it doesn;t appear to go to plan...

Promised Land tackles something that is an incredible topical issue in America. As the boom in fracking continues more and more previously agricultural communities are being effectively taken over by the oil and gas industry.  As I alluded too in my previous article on fracking there is a lot of heated debate going on as too if this is really a good thing or not. The Promised Land comes seems to be planted strongly in the 'against' campe. Indeed proponents of fracking are so worried about 'Hollywood takes on fracking' that they are rumored to be preparing an extensive campaign to counter the films message.

I think the most encouraging this about The Promised Land is that is is being made at all. 'The Inconvenient Truth' hit our screens years after climate change was a scientifically recognised phenomenon. That the entertainment industry is making this film now is a nice sign that it isn't just hippies and scientists care enough about what is happened to the Earth top want to talk about it.

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